The original skylight protecting this large Tiffany stained glass dome was leaking.
The original skylight had been repaired numerous times over the years but total replacement was necessary.
Other projects included restoration of wood windows and installation of new exterior mounted storm windows.
The original skylight protecting this large Tiffany stained glass dome was leaking.
Pulaski County Courthouse-
Over the course of years, we assisted Pulaski County on a number of projects including ADA accessible jury boxes, new coroner's lab and offices for the prosecuting attorney. Projects also included a replacement of the original skylight and repairs to the original wood windows, as well as replacement of the historic slate roof, which you can learn more about here.
All of the projects included assistance with defining the proper scope of work, researching and recruiting skilled contractors to perform the work, obtaining grants and executing the work with detailed drawings and specifications.
Our desire is to assist our clients from the beginning in narrowing the best scope of work to solve a problem and then executing it.